

Veterans for Tomorrow 50/50 Draw


  1. Registration cards may be picked up at the following locations: Atlantic Superstore Smoke Shop, N&J Convenience, Deals 4U, Neva’s Handy Stand, Petrocan, Courtesy Convenience, Miramichi Meats, Northumberland Timber Mart, City Hall, Mill Cove Coffee, The Goodie Shop Restaurant, Cody’s Smoke Shop, Sobeys Douglastown, Legion Br. 10.

  2. Cut off time for weekly draws will be at 2:30pm on Wednesday.

    For each number you wish to play, fill out a registration card (ticket) and place the card with the registration information, along with your new number (red dot) on a toonie and put into the red Legion Box.

  3. Winning ticket will be drawn Thursday and the Winner will be announced Thursday morning. Winners can pick up their cheque on Thursday at the Legion Branch #10, 3-20 Fountain Head Lane, Miramichi, NB (above the Goodie Shop) between the hours of 2:00pm and 6:00pm.

  4. In the event that the number drawn has not paid for the current date, the prize will be rolled over and added to the following week’s prize and so on until there is a winner. On week 52, a number will be drawn; if there is no winner, numbers will continue to be drawn until there is a winner.

  5. Royal Canadian Legion, Miramichi Br. 10 reserves the right to reuse a number in the sequence of tickets that has not been played for 52 consecutive weeks. The holder of the number must be notified that the number is being reassigned.

  6. Players can pre-pay for 26 weeks at a cost of $52; or 52 weeks at a cost of $104. No other variety of pre-pay can be accepted.

  7. Payment for pre-pays can be made by cash, cheque, visa, mastercard, or e-transfer.